
controlling pests outside your home

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controlling pests outside your home

Few things are quite as irritating as settling in on your patio or deck with a good book on a cool summer's evening and getting attacked by mosquitoes and other insects. Eliminating pests inside your home is oftentimes simple, but getting rid of the exterior pests can be a bit more complicated since they can come from so many places. Our blog will show you how to control exterior pests and even a few tips for keeping your home pest-free. We hope that the information that we have provided here will help you relax when you want to without having to deal with insects, rodents and other pests.

Spring Cleaning You Should Be Doing To Prevent Pests This Season

Pests all around you are ready for spring; are you? These pests will eventually make their way into your home (if they haven't already). You need to prepare your home for the spring months and the pests that come with it, and spring cleaning is one of the ways you can do this. Read on for some spring-cleaning tips to help you prevent pests this season.

Clean Your Yard

Pests come in from outside, so if your yard is inviting to pests, they will find their way to your yard and eventually to your home. You need to spring clean your yard and do a major cleanup if you have yard waste, piles of wood, piles of trash, or other debris you don't need in your yard, as well as tall grass or weeds. All of these things need to be cleaned out in order to prevent pests from invading your lawn and your home. When cleaning up your yard, it's a good idea to spray it with a pesticide as well to kill off fleas, ticks, ants, and spiders as well. You can use a granular pesticide or a spray pesticide. Read the manufacturer's instructions on how to use it.

Clear Out Debris In Your Home And Garage

Clear out the clutter in your home and garage this spring. Remove anything you no longer need or want and clear out any piles that don't belong. Put away belongings that you want to keep and store them properly. Pests such as ants, roaches, spiders, and mice all love clutter and will make their way to these piles in order to nest and survive. Clear out this clutter so you are not giving them this space to hide.

Spray For Pests

Spray the interior of your home for pests to do a little preventative maintenance. Spray the entire perimeter of the interior of your home, paying close attention to the baseboards of your home. Spray the inside of your basement and crawl space if you have these areas in your home to prevent and kill pests.

If you have a problem with pests in the spring, don't give them a chance this season. Do some spring cleaning to prevent them in the first place. Hire a pest control company in your area to help you if you do end up with a pest issue this spring, or to find out more information.